Friday, March 18, 2011

Hot patches galore

St. Patrick's day was fabulously productive. I spent the first part of the day delicately transplanting my tomato and other seedlings into individual cups, then off to work on the wall in the late afternoon. On Wednesday I spent my time cutting the receptacle opening larger so that I could fit the box in there, and on Thursday it was just about ready to patch. I'd measured and made the patch Wednesday evening.

I have a nice series of photos to go with, almost a step-by-step.

This is what the wall looked like when I arrived Thursday afternoon. Not pretty, and let's be honest here, a bit depressing.

Mmmm, ugly broken plaster. See the metal bits on the right? Nasty.

I sweet talked it, then thought about the other definition of "buttering up," so did that.
Are you excited? You should be. It's a hot patch!

The suspense is just too much!

Ahhh, sweet release.

Finishing up. It'll need to be sanded smooth on Saturday.

All right, so, one hole hot patched and a whole hour to spare.. what shall I do next?

Arts and crafts with the boy's notebook paper, of course. It looks like some sort of Egyptian drawing or something.

I left the hole in the top because a wall switch is going there. While I was doing all this exciting buttering and mudding and smoothing and fitting, the other half was cutting the sheet rock for the other side of the wall. I love simultaneous work.

Once all that was taken care of, it was pretty much dark. I also installed another receptacle and sanded the wall around the bathroom heater. It was an extremely productive, gorgeous day. I loved it. If they could all be like that my life would be perfect. Charmed, even. I get so excited when things go so well that I never want to stop. Stupid sun goes and messes up all my good work vibes by setting.

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